Christina Schultz
content strategist for the web
Quality ICE CREAM is hot summer, cool softness and bit of stomach ache afterwards. That's what excellent content strategy is all about!
Grounded quality projects need consistent, interesting narratives that add fun and wisdom to our lifes. And that is exactly what I love doing and therefore
I am good at!
I am an artist and I also offer my professional services as creative content strategist
for organizations, brands and other projects.
For my professional art career, other than adjusting my work to dusty and decadent artmarket, I decided to run my OWN communication strategy.
I got totally wired up in exploring the vast field of social media, absorb loads of knowledge on online communication and discover my strength of creating unusual and appealing content strategies.
This lead to take risks for other projects, collaborate with trustful people and be sincere and loving with them and their goals.
I always love to enhance extraordinary projects and visions for a richer and wiser life.
"Let's make vegan ice cream popular!"

my talents
I am good-hearted and usually freshly humoured and enjoy treating with tech-nerds and smart people, and I am an extraordinary creative and risky thinker. I realize what I promise to do and rarely procrastinate.
My own artistic online projects, my boyfriend, 8 motivated clients willing to experiment with me and loads of online books and blogs are my greatest teachers.
"Communicate online" became a discovery adventure directed by Jaques Cousteau.
I know that headlines with numbers at the start are more effective and although I don’t like cats on FB, I know they are cute.
and tools
To save time with social media accounts I use bufferapp,, ifttt, and tumblr.
Google, Facebook and Twitter analytics to get to know the audience and discover new blogs, websites, media channels.
I store and collect strong and interesting content while scouring through the internet and tools like feedly are a neat help.
I'm used to create and manage editorial calendars to plan goal-oriented content based on a strategy.
I'm good with computers and I understand basic html and css and some linux.
I have excellent organizing capacities so I can be a good project manager for online adventures.
Yes, it's getting hot in here:
"We scream, you scream, I scream for ice-cream!"
-- Down by Law, Jim Jarmusch

Kirei is an online shop for japanese modeling and ceramic materials. Offline they impart classes and workshops on japanese modeling techniques.
Contact: Kirei
fall/winter 2014 Curation and creation of content Consulting on content strategy Distribution Tools Workshop
SAY hi to TOM!, art call
An online call for an artistic and participative action. Send and receive an analog postcard and create awareness on public space and mass tourism.
Contact: Claudia Giralt.
Summer till now, 2014 Comunication Strategy Artist
PRODCouchSurf, art project by Les Salonnieres
Online communication of an artistic project with a performatic strategy. Art meets marketing.
contact: Les Salonnieres
summer/fall 2014 Curation and creation of content Consulting on content strategy Distribution tools workshop
Consulting for Yves Nicolier to focus on his profile as a social cooker. Discover eureka as a concept to interact with his customers.
Contact: Yves Nicolier
spring/summer 2014 Consulting on content strategy Distribution tools workshop
Web communication and strategy to build up an audience through a coherent and fun profile on the internet for a vegan energetic cooker with lots of ideas.
Contact: Alf Mota
spring/summer 2014 Consulting on content strategy Distribution tools workshop
Consulting for her web communication about the coaching activities of Montse Vila to a selective and well picked audience.
Contact: montse vila
Late spring, 2014 Consulting on content strategy Create a Distribution plan
YOU your WALL and ME, art call
Online call to find walls to execute site specific collages with a transcendental challenging objective.
Winter 2013 to spring 2014 Comunication Strategy Artist
Content strategy for a campaign for humans against perfection.
Create positive content about fails and failures, errors and mistakes that benefit our lifes.
Contact: Xavi Blanch
Spring, 2014 Curation and creation of content Manage a tumblr blog

Bio / boring facts
These are the boring facts about me :) ^_^
I was born in Munich (Germany) in 1972. Working and living visual arts over 20 years.
I have the supreme title of german Abitur and profound knowledge on film, video, sound, editing and post production through working experience.
I am a passionate artist for more than 15 years. If you're curious, check the site featuring some of my works.
Continuously I attend workshops, read and listen to people to broaden knowledge.
Such as Julian Oliver's workhop 'Network as material' at the Influencers Festival, november 2014.
At this moment my base is Barcelona, Spain.
I speak seven of the most common languages, five of them fluently, and my first spanish words were:
"Un helado por favor!"
/un e 'la ðo 'por fa 'βor/
All in all, I am a talented human being, just as any one else. Exactely!

Contact or say Hello!
I’m accepting new projects.
Let´s work together!

Christina Schultz
Content Strategy for the web
Email me at
You can also call me at +34 650-500-135
anytime between 10am – 2pm CET
All Rights Reserved. Christina Schultz.
ICE CREAM photos by Zeltia Outeiriño